The Challenge: A Website Lost in the Search Engine Shuffle


Several SEO challenges hampered OMGS's online presence:

Low Website Traffic:

According to Ahrefs, only around 3,000 people visited their website each month.

Poor Keyword Rankings:

Crucial keywords like "acrylic photo frames," "acrylic wall photo," and "acrylic photo prints" were buried deep in search results.

Lack of Brand Awareness:

OMGS wasn't readily recognized as a leader in the acrylic photo printing industry.

The Solution: A Targeted SEO Strategy

We implemented a comprehensive SEO strategy designed to address all of OMGS's challenges. Here's a breakdown of our approach:

Keyword Research & Competitor Analysis:

We conducted a thorough keyword research analysis to identify high-volume, low-competition keywords relevant to acrylic photo products and online printing services. Additionally, we analyzed competitor strategies to understand the existing SEO landscape and identify ranking opportunities.

Content Creation Powerhouse:

We focused on creating informative and engaging content that targeted the identified keywords. This included blog posts educating potential customers on the benefits of acrylic photo prints, detailed product descriptions showcasing OMGS's offerings, and helpful guides on selecting and displaying acrylic photo prints.

Technical SEO Optimization:

We performed a technical SEO audit to identify and rectify any website issues that could hinder search engine crawling and indexing. This included optimizing website speed, ensuring mobile-friendliness, and fixing broken links.

Building Brand Authority:

We implemented a white-hat link-building strategy to increase OMGS's domain authority and website trust. This involved guest blogging on relevant home decor and photography websites, outreach campaigns to secure backlinks from high-authority sites in the printing industry, and broken link building (replacing dead links with links to valuable content on OMGS's website).

The Results: Exponential Growth and Industry Visibility

Our meticulous SEO strategy yielded phenomenal results:

Traffic Explosion:

Within a year, OMGS's organic traffic skyrocketed by a staggering 400%, reaching a staggering 15,000 monthly visitors according to Ahrefs (April 2024).

Top Keyword Rankings:

OMGS's website now ranks prominently for key search terms like "acrylic photo frames," "acrylic wall photo," and "acrylic photo prints," placing them at the forefront of potential customer searches.

Enhanced Brand Recognition:

Increased online visibility significantly improved brand awareness within the target market, establishing OMGS as a trusted provider of high-quality acrylic photo products.

omgs ahrefs data
This graph perfectly illustrates the dramatic growth in OMGS's organic traffic following the SEO campaign.

The exponential growth in traffic translated into real business benefits for OMGS:

We implemented a comprehensive SEO strategy designed to address all of OMGS's challenges. Here's a breakdown of our approach:

Increased Sales Leads:

The surge in qualified organic traffic resulted in a significant increase in leads for OMGS's sales team.

Dominating Search Results:

OMGS's product pages now rank prominently for key industry keywords, placing them at the forefront of potential customer searches.

Enhanced Brand Reputation:

By focusing on high-quality content and establishing expertise, OMGS solidified their reputation as a leader in the acrylic photo printing industry.

Unexpected Challenges and Valuable Insights


Challenges We Conquered:

During the campaign, we encountered some hurdles. Initially, identifying high-quality link-building opportunities within a competitive niche proved more time-consuming than anticipated. However, through creative outreach and content marketing strategies, we were able to secure valuable backlinks from reputable industry sources.

Key Takeaways:

The success of this campaign hinges on two crucial elements:

Targeted Keyword Strategy:

By focusing on relevant keywords with high search volume and low competition, we were able to attract a highly targeted audience actively searching for acrylic photo printing solutions.

Content Marketing Muscle:

Compelling content that educates,engages, and establishes expertise proved to be a powerful tool for attracting organic traffic, building brand awareness, and ultimately driving sales.

Advice for Readers: Replicate OMGS's Success

Want to replicate OMGS's success and attract more qualified leads through organic search? Here are some actionable SEO tips you can implement:

Conduct thorough keyword research

Identify relevant keywords with high search volume and low competition in your industry.

Create high-quality, informative content

Focus on content that educates your target audience, showcases your expertise, and targets the keywords you identified.

Optimize your website for technical SEO.

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, loads quickly, and has a clean and user-friendly structure.

Build high-quality backlinks.

Reach out to relevant websites in your niche and explore opportunities for guest blogging or link placements.

By implementing these strategies, you can significantly improve your website's organic search ranking, attract more qualified traffic, and ultimately achieve your business goals.

Client Testimonial

"We are incredibly impressed with the results achieved by the SEO campaign. The dramatic increase in organic traffic and targeted leads has significantly boosted our online sales. We are now a recognized leader in the acrylic photo printing industry, and we owe a debt of gratitude to the expertise and dedication of the entire Immortal SEO team."

narendra kumar omgs
Narendra Kumar

Founder ( OMGS )

Are you ready to take your website to the next level and attract more qualified leads through organic search? Contact us today for a free SEO consultation!
